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Can You Predict The Age Of Your Fitness Equipment? — Get To Know How!

Your passion to get into shape leaves you two choices; you either get a gym membership or bring the workout equipment and supplements home. Going for the second option is convenient for a lot of people. But no one realize that taking care of these equipment is not easy. In light of COVID precautions, it is now a usual regime in gyms to clean the exercise equipment with antibacterial wipes after every use. But do we practice the same at our home and treat our tools the same way?

The answer of many will be partial YES or completely NO! 

Unarguably, the age of our personal fitness equipment is at the hands of our cleaning schedule and treatment. This insightful blog is a dedicated endeavor to unveil some of the factors that affect the longevity of the equipment.

If you keep these factors into account, you can help your fitness tools see many more years to come.

Add Life to Your Tools by Subtracting Bacteria from Them

Fitness freaks always want to be “in shape” and “healthy”. However, in the chase to combat obesity, you are probably not dealing with unseen invaders; none other than bacteria on your equipment.

The ideal breeding grounds for bacteria are sweat, warm conditions, dampness, and homes where there are no filters and commercial air systems. Bacteria adore fitness machines and love to stay on them until you kick them out through proper cleaning.

If they remain on them, not only they affect the health of your machine but yours too. The best bet is to push them out before they go into you and your tool

Sweat Is another Addition Diminishing Your Tools’ Life

According to the National Institutes of Health, an average adult produces up to a quarter of sweat each day.

What if we ask you about the taste of sweat? Even if you haven’t tasted it deliberately, your answer would be “somewhat saltish”. That’s absolutely right. The main ingredient of your sweat contains a higher proportion of salt and minerals.

When sweat drops on your equipment, it becomes corrosive due to the presence of salt. The result is the malfunctioning and decaying of the metal components. It is one of the most well-known culprits that contribute to the overall deterioration of the exercise machine.


If you don’t want to welcome an earlier breakdown of your fitness investment, pay heed to the sweat presence. Mix cleaning and wiping into your daily regime to add more years to your equipment age. 

Don’t Treat Your Heart Rate Detector Carelessly

Many of your fitness equipment comes with an attached heart rate monitor. The purpose of its attachment is to let you track your level of activity and heart rate. They operate through pulse sensors that are placed in the place you hold frequently while exercising.

The accurate approximation of your heart rate may be subject to interference from the constant touch of your skin. Your heart monitor will end up being malfunctioning.


If you don’t clean it on a regular basis, you will rely on misleading readings. The oil and dirt coming from your hand are obvious. What you can do is to regularly cleanse your heart rate tracker for its proper functioning. 

Don’t Rely On WARRANTY!

Buying quality fitness equipment from a reputable supplier will make you think that you can use it in the long run. However, the warranty is not a guarantee of the lifelong functionality of your machine.

It all depends upon the way you treat, clean, and maintain your equipment. The warranty to your machine will go in vain if you fail to take care of your quality products.

To keep using your tools for an extended period of time, go through the maintenance guide thoroughly. It has outlined tips and tricks that can help you in dealing with unanticipated failures of your products. 

DUST - Another Foe Decreasing Your Tools’ Age

Dust is another reason why your equipment fails to operate. It is visible when it gets accumulated at one place, but the hidden places where it gets piled up are often untraceable.

It is a general thought that if the device is used regularly, it won’t get accumulated with dust. However, this doesn’t happen in reality. The performance of the fitness equipment is badly affected by the unchecked existence of dirt.

The more the device is used, the more there are chances of dirt accumulation. Since the parts of your exercise tools are constantly moving, they need lubrication. Dirt and debris counteract this lubrication and make them dysfunctional. There are more severe effects including but not limited to burning, shorting out, and locking up.

However, the remedy is quite easy and implementable. Regular dusting is all that you need. And that’s it. 

Now it’s Your Turn!

You invest your hours on the treadmill after treating yourself with your most favorite red velvet cake. However, it is also necessary to keep the health of your fitness machines intact. What if your machine surrenders and shows you red flags? You have already funded hard-earned savings on buying expensive exercise products. Just like your body demands extra care and skin insists on exfoliation likewise your machines also require regular tuning.

 It’s just a matter of little time for the extended functionality of your fitness devices.  

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