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5 Steps to Get in Shape without Gym

If not through proper channels, you can even use Tabata or walk for just 20 minutes a day. However, if you’re looking for a level up, here’s how you can get fit at home in five simple steps.

The 5 Essentials of Fitness

All you need to do is follow these five essentials to achieve your goals of physical fitness. Say goodbye to expensive memberships and gym dependency and start working out at home today. Besides, this way you could save your time as well.

A Warm-up to Get Moving

Fire the enthusiasm of a sweaty workout with a nice and slow warm-up. Here are a few ways you can do that:

  • A 5-minute walk outside or on a treadmill,
  • A slow pace paddle on a stationary bike,
  • Light stretching to loosen the muscles,
  • Some squats, planks, lunges, or pushups.
  • Regardless of the intensity, be sure to focus on all parts of your body- that includes the upper body, lower body, abdominals, and the back.Warming up, in simple words, warms you up for further aerobic activity. It increases your body temperature and blood flow. This way your muscles receive oxygen, boosting your cardiovascular system. So as you begin the next step, you might save yourself from an injury and muscle soreness.


    Now, you’re ready for the cardiovascular or aerobic part of the fitness module.

Aerobic Workout- Heart of the Regime

Basically, the aerobic or cardiovascular part gets your heart rate up. Here, you pedal a bit faster, jump a little higher, and time it a bit longer.

The best advice would be to watch a video while you do it. This way, even if no one’s with you, you have the motivation to carry on as the instructor pushes you to not give up. What’s more; with a sequence, and guidance to keep your posture right, you won’t even slip up.

For the most effective exercise, try High-Intensity Interval Training. As a result, you’ll burn more calories in less time. Let’s not forget its long-term aftereffects are here to stay.

Not only do cardiovascular workouts help you lose weight, but are scientifically proven to be great for your heart health. And a good heart means a good life!

So aim for 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 to 7 days a week and feel the change.

Resistance Exercises- Building Muscle

It gets a bit complex here and just as interesting. We introduce you to dumbbells, weight bars, bands, and tubing- and it’s not gender-specific. Just remember to start small and build your stamina; progression and consistency are key.

Squats, push-ups, and lunges are other exercises you can do with or without weights. Either way, they build strength and muscle.

Some other traditional resistance exercises include:

  • Crunches
  • Chin-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • body squats
  • Bicep curls
  • Shoulder press
  • Bench press
  • Barbell squat
  • Bent over row

Further, resistance exercises help tone your muscles, improve your posture, and maintain your strength as you age. Overall, it also improves your mental and heart health. Thereby, with a bit more exertion you can achieve timeless beauty, confidence, and good health.

Perform strength training 2 times a week to increase endurance and build muscle.

Flexibility Exercises- Bend and Don’t Break

After you’re done with the core of the workout, here come the flexibility moves. As your exercise is coming to an end, stretching your muscles with some yoga poses is a must-do.

Here are some of the flexibility moves that you can do without leaving your house:

  • Hamstring stretch
  • Triceps stretch
  • Ribbit
  • Sitting shoulder stretch
  • Lunge stretch
  • Tai chi
  • Pilates

These flexibility moves prevent injuries, balance problems, and back pain. Moreover, your muscles achieve a full range of motion which boosts your flexibility levels, posture, mobility, and muscle coordination.

A Cooldown to Relax the Muscles

You have sweat enough- let’s cool down; it is very similar to the warm-up.

It is a fact to be noted that cardiovascular exercises, when exercised at a slower pace, bring the heart rate down to a resting state.

Here are a few cooldown exercises you could do at home without even needing a large expanse of the room. Even the living room can do!


  • Light jogging or walking.
  • Upper body stretch
  • Seated forward bend
  • Knee-to-chest pose
  • Reclining butterfly pose
  • Child’s pose

Cooling down stabilizes your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Remember to not pause after the fourth step and complete the whole routine properly.

The cooldown, when done while you’re still warm, reduces the accumulation of lactic acid. Consequently, the chances of muscle cramps and stiffness decrease so the next time you work out, it is even more vigorous than the last.

Don’t forget to spend 5 to 10 minutes cooling down after each workout!

Final Thoughts

On the whole, it is very possible to not miss a workout if you do not have time to go to the gym. When you start a journey to change your whole lifestyle, it makes an impact on your routine and habits.

What is critical, however, is to set your goals, stay motivated, and be punctual. Also, schedule your workouts, and track your progress by jotting down your breakthroughs and times of workout. If you are bored and unchallenged, find an exercise partner to amp up your levels of excitement.

Lastly, be sure to get some goodnight’s sleep because you might not realize how important that is. And here you are- on your way to make your dreams of attaining supreme fitness become a reality- that too, without going to the gym!


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