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Basic Exercise Equipment for Beginners

If you want to lose some pounds but don’t know where to start, we can guide you through the ropes. Quite literally.

We have prepared a solid, effective regimen for you to follow so you just have to spend half an hour every day to acquire the shape of your dreams in the most minimum time. This way you can be perfectly aligned with every aspect of your life. In fact, you don’t even have to compromise on taking care of your kids, work, or school because we have planned for you the least possible hectic workout routine ever conjured- yet the most fruitful!  

And dare we say, it might even be fun.

For this routine, you’re going to need a few pieces of equipment. So either you go to the gym or create a home gym, these amenities are essential and the basics of this workout. The key equipment we encourage are mostly versatile and own the right level of difficulty to start off your fitness journey with. In fact, you can build stamina as you continue. Notably, the significance remains in maintaining the right posture and aiming for the right muscles.

Most importantly, as you start, do not go too extreme, neither on speed nor on the intensity levels. Remember, to start slow and go big; be it cardio or weightlifting. Take time to ease into the workouts and let your body adapt to the new challenges. Here is an amazing full-body regime that uses the below mentioned six machines.

So, are you ready to strengthen all of your major muscle groups in just 30 minutes?

But first, don’t forget to warm-up!

The 6 In-Demand Machines for an Impactful Workout

If you’re done with the dynamic stretches, here is the equipment you need to proceed to, for some real hard work.


First, step on the running machine, and for no more than ten minutes for this designated workout.

We understand, first times are the hardest. And so, it is essential to attach the emergency stop clip in your shirt pocket so when you feel like giving up but you keep pushing through, the clip can stop the machine and maybe even save your life.

Nevertheless, as you start to get the grips, adjust the speed and inclination to fit your needs.

Pulldown Machine

Here, you need to perform two sets of 12 reps for about three minutes. The good news is, you’re allowed an active rest of 10 seconds between each set. The bad news is, you have to keep going.

This machine attacks your upper body. Initially and chiefly, ensure that your knees are secure under the seat pads as you grip the bar.

At the outset, you need to go slow and steady. Pull the bar slowly to your chest and back to the initial position. Bear in mind to keep your chest out, spine neutral, back straight, and posture in check.

Leg Press

Here you need to do 12 repetitions, two times for about three minutes. Again, you can rest for 10 seconds between each set.

This machine targets one of the largest and the most brutal parts of your body; the legs.

Adjust the seat comfortably to the right position using the lever. Certainly, the most crucial thing here is to choose the weight that you can lift without bursting your muscles. Also, aim for the right technique so your weight doesn’t clank when you lower it.

Focus on your form and use your heels to push without locking your knees. Be sure to be gentle and steady. This exercise is all about control and progression, and has nothing to do with speed.

Stair Climber

Here is where you’ll find the actual challenge. Keep on with a steady rhythm for five minutes without breaks to ideally shred some lower body fat. Indeed, this cardiovascular machine will really keep your heart rate up.

So, push on the green button and halt after five very critical minutes. Increase or decrease your speed matching your stamina and resilience.

Chest Press

Use the chest press for two sets of 12 reps for three minutes. If you like, you can rest for 10 seconds after each round.

Adjust the seat to your preferred height and weight according to your suitable resistance. Keep your back straight throughout and grab on tight on the handles. With complete command, you need to extend your arms without locking your elbows so they are straight. After that, simply return back to the original position.

Ab Machine

This one’s for the core. The time you need to give it is for a minimum of three minutes. Grind for two sets of total 12 repetitions. Here too, you can rest for 10 seconds between each set.

A few rounds of crunches on this ab machine is all you need to shred the belly fat.

In fact, if you dream about flaunting some abs in a bikini or prowling shirtless by the beach, this is the byway to get there. 

The amount of weight should be moderate and as per your endurance level. It is of essence to understand that going overboard will only do more harm than good. That said, get on, bring your elbows to your knees and feel the love handles and belly pooch disappearing.

The Final Word

Stop right there, the workout isn’t done yet!

Fear not though, it is the end of all the tough, hard work. The last round entails some static stretching. Remember, as important as a good warmup is, a cool down is just as necessary.

However, do not neglect consulting with a physician before starting any of the formerly mentioned exercises. Take in further notice that you may have a medical problem or physical predisposition that might render you unfit to perform this high interval training. Thereby, you will have to understand the predicament that has to be resolved by a professional who knows what is best for you. So, believe in progression, start slow and go big!

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